Inspection Services
Condition and Valuation
This type of survey includes scrutiny of the bottom and deck for deficiencies, inspection of the interior of the hull and associated systems, using Federal Guidelines, as well as those prescribed by the American Boat and Yacht Council and National Fire Protection Association. If the survey is a pre-purchase, then a sea trial is
performed, where the engine is put under stress for a short high speed run, and all systems are checked for viability. Although we have a strong diesel engine background, we are not an engine surveyors. We will, however, alert you as to any deficiencies that may require further investigation once the sea trial is completed. If a sail boat is involved, the sails, standing and running rigging will also be examined during the trial. Upon completion of the inspection we will provide a list of major deficiencies. Thereafter a written report is generated, which includes a valuation, based upon the mid-Atlantic market, and sent to your address. We average two or three days for turn around, no more than four.
Damage Inspections
The nature of the environment in which vessels exist invites the possibility of casualty. Consequently, it is our job as surveyors, during the process of discovery, to insure that the hull and systems are sound, and in compliance with USCG, ABYC and NFPA standards. Nevertheless, boats sink at the dock, run into submerged objects, catch on fire, are struck by lightening, and are periodically caught in storms. Tranquil Waters has worked with several marine insurance companies to help identify the nature, cause and extent of damge to the vessel. Be careful out there!
Commercial Inspections
On occasion we are asked to survey commercial vessels. We have examined aluminum research vessels, steel and wooden fishing vessels, steel tugs, deck and hopper barges. Although similar to the condition and valuation survey, the inspection of a commercial vessel focuses on the following items;
- Hull inspection to ensure seaworthiness of vessel.
- Main/auxiliary power inspection to ensure safe and operable machinery for vessel propulsion and emergency power.
- Electrical systems inspection to ensure satisfactory installation of wiring and equipment.
- Lifesaving systems inspection to ensure satisfactory and adequate means to abandon ship.
- Firefighting systems inspection to ensure fixed and portable devices are suitable for the intended space and type of fire.

- Navigation inspection to ensure adequacy and operation of navigation equipment.
Appraisal Surveys
An appraisal is not unlike a condition and valuation survey.
The difference arises with the intent of the appraisal, which focuses on an evaluation of the vessel in order to determine an appraised value. Consequently, after the inspection, a concerted effort is made to determine the appropriate market, analysis of comparable properties on the market, resulting in a value determination. Appraisal Surveys are an important part of IRS documentation, particularly when a boat is donated to a non-profit organization. Appraisals are also used in divorce and estate settlements.